Monday, December 1, 2008

Working on Project

Over the break, I decided that I wanted to do the individual opportunity project over arts funding in Indianapolis. I knew it was being cut, but what I didn’t know was that in three years, they’re planning to eliminate it completely! This will mean no arts in schools, and no arts funding to companies from the government.
Today, I did some more research and found some statistics to help support my argument. According to studies at UCLA, “the arts make a tremendous impact on the developmental growth of every child and has proven to improve learning and decrease drop-out rates across every socio-economic category.” The U.S. Department of Justice not only reinforces the past study, but also says that the
arts have a measurable impact on youth at risk in deterring delinquent behavior and truancy problems.” The Institute for Community Development and the Arts says that “art diverts youth from gangs, drugs, and the juvenile justice system, provides a more cost-effective approach than traditional programs such as midnight basketball or juvenile boot camps, reduces truancy, and improves academic performance, builds critical self-discipline, communication and job skills.”
In order to reduce this, the Arts Council of Indianapolis provides free concerts in neighborhood parks and community centers, arts programs in juvenile justice centers, correctional facilities, community centers, neighborhood youth clubs, womens’ and homeless shelters, health care facilities, mentorships, day camps, internships, as well as after school programs. They also provide programs for senior citizens, community and neighborhood gatherings, and many others.
The Arts are something that everyone can enjoy. The arts are also a large part of my life, considering I’m a dancer. The arts funding cut in Indianapolis is one of the worst, if not the worst, idea that I’ve heard about in a long time. After this project, I would also like to do something and take action about it.

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