Monday, April 20, 2009

the last gender blog :[

I believe my gender was established at a very young age. When I was a baby, my room was purple, with lots of educational toys and dolls. Later, in my toddler through 3rd grade years, my room escaladed to pink and purple with little ballerina wallpaper. I was taught to play dolls, and I was enrolled in dance and gymnastics. I was taught that this was fun, so I had lots of fun. By no means am I blaming my parents for my “girliness,” I’m fairly sure I would have found playing dolls and dressing up to be quite enjoyable without their encouragement, but it helped me establish my gender quite early on. I played dolls, my favorite colors were pink and purple, I wore a jumper dress to the Catholic school I went to- I was a girl. When I was 6, I was enrolled in a little league soft ball team, despite my mother’s disdain. I had no problem with playing ball, I just liked playing dolls better. Thoroughly glad with this, my mom took me out of the team after a year. A lot of things have influenced my gender, but I think I would have turned out the way I am anyway due to my personality. I think there are many categories of gender. If you want to classify “girl” as liking the typical “girly” things, then there is very girly, girly, and a little girly. If you want to classify “boy” as liking the typical “boyish” things, then there is very boyish, boyish, and a little boyish. Despite this, gender is much different than sex. A boy can physically be a boy, but have more girly characteristics, and vice versa with a girl. Now, to decide whether they’re really a boy or a girl, I think should be completely up to them. Somewhere, within their own standards, they may cross the line from being a boy to actually being a girl, vice versa, or not. No one else can decide this for them, and no one else should. A new category has been made called, “metro sexual.” This is a category for the boys who have some girly characteristics, but still consider themselves to be boys. This is becoming very popular, and is being commonly used in stores and fashion magazines.

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