Wednesday, November 5, 2008

CNN election coverage

I was watching the election coverage on CNN at about 9:00 and I noticed something highly upsetting. When presenting the news on the election, the reporters seemed to be noticeably biased toward how they reported the news. If they were a McCain supporter, then they would be happier when the republicans were leading, and they would be gloomier, and trying to defend their republican view when Obama was leading, and vice versa for the democrats. This was very surprising to me since I didn’t think that such a reputable station would be so biased toward such an important election. However, they did present some very interesting studies. Studies show that more people who thought race mattered, voted for Obama than McCain, and even the ones who didn’t thin race mattered, voted more for Obama. Also, those who thought age mattered, voted more for Obama by a long shot, and those who didn’t think age mattered also voted more for Obama. These were interesting statistics because age was Obama’s largest downfall, however it turned out to be an advantage. The race statistic surprised me, but it surprised me in a better way! I’m happier that there are less people racist than those who aren’t!
I was very disappointed, however, with the republican’s, “booing”, during McCain’s speech. That was probably the rudest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. How would it feel to be, “booed”, in front of almost all of America? Not that I particularly like McCain at all, but even I felt sorry for him. I also commend McCain on his concession speech. It was the best speech he has given so far. After all these months, he has finally got the hang of public speaking!
I’m overjoyed that Obama won, but I’m surprised at how rude and biased people can be toward important events. Although, I did make a mental note- when I’m reporting the presidential election on the news station (hopefully), I can’t show my biases!

1 comment:

Elmo said...

This is not meant to be a criticism by any means, but here's something I noticed: You talk about a reputable news station being biased, but your own biases came out strongly in your blog. I'm guilty of it, too, but i think it's interesting how hard it is to put aside our own prejudices. For the most part I found that CNN was comparatively unbiased to CBS and FOX. I think it was the best they could've done, considering most people who would take interest in those careers would be people with strong political opinions.