Monday, October 6, 2008


In the essay, “Self Reliance” by Ralph Emerson, he conveys that we should rely on our intuition, and what is right for ourselves. We shouldn’t conform to others, and we should follow where God leads us. This will lead to true success.
Emerson says that we should act on what we believe and what we feel, and not take into account what others say. What we feel is what we believe, and we should express what we believe. If we express how other people believe, then we aren’t being true to ourselves- we’d just be conforming. What we feel and think derives directly from God, and if we aren’t following the path that God wants us to follow, then this will not lead to true success. This will lead to conformity.
I agree with Emerson in one sense- the sense that all of this leads to true success, but I don’t agree that it is, “just that easy.” Following your heart and soul that is lead by God is most certainly not easy. We all conform to an extent- we’re forced to. Some may accomplish “success”, but only to the today’s society’s definition of success- money and riches. True success derives from being yourself, and finding your true self through whatever, or who ever you may believe in. Only then, will you have accomplished all that you can, and found true success within yourself through the path of your chosen belief. This is not a typical form of success, but it is a self-success that someone rarely achieves.

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