Sunday, September 7, 2008

Biotech foods

There is currently a political debate going on about biotech foods. The debate is largely concerning whether biotech foods should be sold, and whether they should have to identify themselves as “biotech foods.” I strongly believe that biotech foods should be further tested before being sold, and that if they are sold after testing, they should have to have a “biotech” label on them for easy identification.
I realize that biotech foods have become a large group in grocery stores, and very popular in our society today, but I don’t believe everyone buying the biotech foods knows the minimal research that has gone into biotech foods and the possible unsafety, or know that they’re buying biotech foods. I don’t believe that these are fair items to sell at least without forewarning.
Biotech foods haven’t been tested or studied enough to know the long-term effects on human consumption, or on the environment. Although they were approved by the FDA, I don’t believe they should have been because of the lack of knowledge of long term effects. Biotech food could very well cause cancer or other serious diseases or illnesses, but no one knows because it hasn’t been in grocery stores long enough for there to be a mass-outbreak of some terrible plague. Most citizens don’t know that biotech food could possibly be unsafe and harmful; they assume that it has to be fully tested before it is allowed on the market. It isn’t right to sell something in large corporate stores that isn’t scientifically tested to be completely unharmful to the human body, especially without a label!
Since biotech food is sold at grocery stores, there should be a label. Most people don’t know if they’re buying biotech food or not, or even what it is! It isn’t lawful to allow citizens to buy possibly harmful products without their knowing. Biotech food should have a large label for identification to give citizens forewarning about what they’re buying and the possible consequences. I also believe that biotech food companies need to put a large label on the food for libel reasons. If anything happens to the people who eat biotech foods, the biotech companies are no doubt going to get sued. Also, the places that sell biotech food would probably get sued also. It would be a good idea for everyone, if the biotech food companies put labels on their biotech food.
Biotech food shouldn’t be allowed to be sold without further studying and research done, and it isn’t fair to the people buying Biotech food if there isn’t a label labeling it. Further research and study needs to be done before Biotech food is released, for the safety of everyone.

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